EnviroPower Renewable, Inc. (EPR),
headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, expects to become a leading renewable energy provider in jurisdictions where the market for solid waste disposal services favors thermal treatment over landfill, and where renewable energy electrical rates are sufficient to make power plants generating under 100 MWe economically viable.
In these markets, EPR can provide superior, custom tailored waste-to-energy solutions. EPR strives to provide best-in-class solutions for Government installations, local utilities, and commercial or industrial entities looking for sources of reliable, cost effective, base load renewable energy.
- Waste to Energy facilities are economically sound investments that provide multiple financial and environmental benefits to the communities that use them.
- Waste to Energy reduces global greenhouse gas burden by avoiding methane emissions from landfills and reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel consumption.
- Since waste to energy power plants are paid for their fuel, thermal efficiency need not be the major design objective, allowing design emphasis to be on minimum environmental impact as well as safety and reliability.
EPR focuses on providing its customers with superior alternative energy solutions, based on the most advanced technologies available, primarily the EnviroPower proprietary gasification system for municipal waste.
Our company firmly believes that gasification technologies are superior to any other technology involving the use of waste for electricity generation in terms of capital cost, cost of operation, emissions/ash generation, and overall environmental responsibility and regulatory compliance.

is of paramount importance at EPR. In fact, one could fairly say that sustainability is one of our major products.
Final disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) using EPR air fed gasification results in less greenhouse gas emission equivalent per kWh of energy generated than any other alternative waste to energy conversion of MSW, including landfill.
A major reason for this is that anaerobic digestion of organic waste in landfills produces methane gas, which is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 in trapping heat in the atmosphere. Landfill gas can be as much as 60% methane. Even if landfill gas capture is used, a great deal of methane still escapes from landfills along with other volatile chemicals, including mercaptans, which are among the compounds that cause the objectionable odors associated with landfill operations. Gasification waste to energy is an environmentally friendly means of generating reliable, sustainable, renewable power. Gasification allows MSW to be a resource that can offset the use of fossil fuels for the generation of electricity. And unlike wind or solar, power from gasification of MSW is available 24/7/365.