
Research and Development

Ongoing research and development is central to the mission of EnviroPower Renewable. We maintain in-house R&D capability and partner with scientists and engineers at the University of Washington and other academic institutions to continue improving our processes, products and services through scientific research and product evaluation and testing.

Research to improve high temperature processes and analysis and performance testing of raw materials, process intermediates, and flue gas, for example, are essential to determining the optimum process configuration for each facility.

To date, research and development has lead to several patented improvements to waste-to-energy technology, including ash-to-cement processes, and improved metal-recovery from waste streams.  

Filtrate Purple Crucible
Cenospheres Image

Academic Partnerships

EnviroPower Renewable maintains an ongoing R&D program at the University of Washington, managed by Dr. Brandon Wilson. 

High temperature process engineering research is critical in the development of EPR gasification systems. The Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Washington continues to work with EPR to provide the analysis of the fuel, fuel mixture, and gasification  product materials that are used to help design EPR gasification reactors and fuel feed systems  optimized to a variety of feed stocks.

Laboratory scale gasification of various feedstocks and fuel mixtures followed by analysis of the resulting ash products allows accurate mass balances to be made for various fuel components during early design stage of a project. Shown here is a scanning electron microscope that is equipped with energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence probe that allows determination of the elemental composition of fuel and ash materials.


Public Private Partnerships

are emerging as an important means of helping the the pubic sector, including many soveriegn nations and the US Military, to achieve their objectives in the areas of energy security and environmental sustainability.

The US Army, for example,  will need approximately $7.1 billion over the next 10 years to meet its stated goals and federal mandates for installation level alternative and renewable energy projects. Competing for the limited funds available from Congress will be other projects, many of which will have higher priority. Given this situation, the US Army recognizes that if it is to be successful with large scale renewable energy projects, innovative private financing will eventually become a necessity.

To safe guard both the investment community and the public sector, large scale renewable energy projects must meet strict criteria in terms of economic viability, appropriate and proven technology, and environmental responsibility. Ideally such projects would be capable of producing renewable energy at a cost competitive with conventional non-renewable sources. Simply stated, this means the sale of energy back to the installation must be business smart for both the investor and the government with both benefiting.

EnviroPower Renewable has experience in both private debt and equity financing of renewable energy projects. We stand ready to discuss the design, engineering, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects involving recovery, of solid waste and generation of heat, fuel gas, and electrical power by gasification of renewable solid waste.